Sabtu, 30 April 2011

What the Real Thing and Competencies of Econobusiness Biocycle Dynamic

By : Edmond F. La’lang (economic and environment observer)
            Bio-economic method is a breakthrough and innovation to emerging trends Biology XXI century as the century that has been predicted by Prof. John Naisbitt in his book Global Paradox (1992) that the world will experience a trend with the use of many brand name products based on biology and prediction Prof. Smith (MIT), which states that in 2020-2030 will be the pinnacle of Biology century until the year 2050 to 2075 as the successor of the Information Age (1995-2025) who coined by Alvin Toffler. Furthermore, Prof.. Smith states that in biology this century many professions that will be lost, such as teachers, doctors, account executive of brokerage firms and many more, perhaps even by a commercial pilot flying car. Then I with a base of Fisheries biologist with experience as a surveyor of land measurement that is often living in the forest, learned a lot about the life of the natural environment full diversity of biological diversity that we should preserve. The survey results of mapping this region which is supported by socio-economic survey will be made of a book analyzing the data and facts to the provincial government. East Java and the District Government and the City (I have to write a book about 20 pieces) and in Jakarta on environmental capacity analysis, survey disaster prone areas and the mountain of fire, watershed stream survey and site plan layout design in a particular area. With the support of the process of learning and experience from the base of fisheries science, management science of business administration (industrial management), land, environment, spatial and socio-economic data and climate data region (range 50-10 years) are certainly the same as feasibility studies and analysis environmental impact and of course with the support of some theological writings as well as faith and belief in God according to the teachings of my religion. With a variety of complaints the business world and experts in the above predictions, and experience following the stock of gold, stocks and forex, then we are compelled to provide a solution for economic science was no longer able to predict macro-economic indicators, the emergence of various crises since the 1997-1998 . This is a chronological process of discovery Econobusiness Biocycle Dynamic methods us through the various processes of learning and experience.
          This methods as one good way to help the economics become more realistic, reliable and capable in responding to various economic problems that emerged in the era of globalization and free trade, which so far economists have always revise various economic indicators and the inability to provide solutions for improving people's welfare, production and the level of equity security of an economic policy that does not dissolve in the quality and the greedy capitalistic economy and unfair to small economic group. So economics is in reality only makes economic policy for the benefit of national and global business conglomerate with no want to know how to lift and give economic empowerment that is more fair and democratic to all levels of society for us to be strong economic fundamentals in the long run, during which it is based economy depletion of natural resources, consumer and financial driven economy which was often made a quick hot (overheating), froth (bubble) and susceptible to shocks, turbulence and economic crisis with hot money.

         The new economic experts like Professor Paul Ormerod with Butterfly methods Economy, George Soros with the method of Reflections, Fessant and A. Tannous method Econo-physics, Prof.. Smith's method and  Systemic Organizations. Nouriel Roubini with the method for graph Standard and Poor's and our own (Edmond) by reading, smelt and insight from the analysis of stock index charts and forex (foreign exchange) nationally and globally capable of precise prediction of the macro economic performance without having to use econometric methods in economics , monetary and development economics. And the man said "many roads to Rome" in the sense that we can know without having to wear the economic performance of economics that we think is outdated and no longer able to answer the mechanisms and dynamics of the real economy of national and global society at the level of free competition is hard, technology innovation competition products that are sigmoid and spirals, the fast-changing consumer tastes and tend to be chaoistik (very aware of marketing experts), so it must use methods of psychographic and Spiritual Marketing for can guess exactly where the flow needs and wants consumers who always follow the various changes and business dynamics fast-changing and the methods of stock market business, commodities and forex namely Financial Astronomical that can predict accurately the movement of the index fluctuation of composition and motion of the planets and the Milky Way galaxy solar system billions of stars that are always moving in space and time. Therefore we use the base biological sciences and the natural environment to learn about various movements of stock indices, commodities, foreign exchange and macro-economic indicators (only not been able to read the exact and precise micro-economics in the short term, but quite able to chart the price movements within a period of 1 month upwards, but if emiteen Big Caps and Blue Chips are quite capable of a daily and weekly). With the support of biological sisitim open mind and thinking (faith and obedience to God), an open heart (saying loving to others, the natural environment and the universe), open-hand ( want to socialize and friendly to other included up national and global communities) and an open pocket (to sharing the benefits to the poor as the core of our system of Modern Socialism in Modern Society).
             So I think this is the Road and Bridge Gold for humans to better understand the life of religious, economic, social, and environmental politics in a more clean, honest, no conflict of interest, peace and harmony to humanity and love of the environment in a more sensible and civilized without the nature of the selfish, greedy, snobbish and full of life driven konsumptive glamorous, luxurious, corrupt, hedonistic excess at the expense of others and damage the natural environment which is getting worse. Many examples are quite reliable for the bio-economy in a visionary to predict events (think hundreds of millions of people have a different vision in personal, business and economics to an incident sequensi economic, social, and political environment that ultimately must be perceived as a risk which leads to loss, failure, defeat and bankruptcy that everything must be judged from a symbol of hedonistic "CAPITAL MONEY" that often lead to injustice and tyranny in its implementation. Many of our predictions are correct in size parameters (magnitude) and time of occurrence of the natural environment , economics and politics.

        In 1998, we conducted a survey measuring and mapping in the City Bondowoso (East Java) on the contour area, land use, land capability, economic and social climate of the region. In our book of advice on environmental conditions and land use contour excisting about danger of flooding and landslides to the downstream (after 5 years, there was a flood disaster Situbondo City in 2001 by the outbreak of the Dam River), about the prediction of urban spatial structure of Surabaya and Jakarta since 1997 by the settlements that are horizontal (not vertical in the form Apartments), the ratio of open land and parks to homes and buildings knstruksi then one day there will be a big flood (inundation) in Surabaya and Jakarta and in 2002, there was major flooding in Jakarta who drowned almost the entire city of Jakarta (6 meters of water in the vicinity of Brass and Jl. Sudirman), since 1993-1994, we were reminded to The Smiling General for caution in the management of economic, social and political and immediately resigned in 1996, because there will be a crisis that dragged the property and manufacturing banking credit turmoil.

         After 3 years proven to have occurred over the economic crisis of 1997-1998 is superb. Similarly, the polemics between Lapindo case of natural disasters or Lapindo Brantas as the cause. In our opinion, yes earthquake makes cracks in the crust of the earth's horizontal instead of drilling, so many experts geology and mining predicts that after reaching the level of bursts of 25,000 cubic meters / sec it will stop immediately and apologize followed by the many prayers of the paranormal and istigozah hundreds of thousands of people. What really happens is supported by a variety of prayer ? Certainly there is something wrong with this, why God answered her prayer is often not, but if tribute, worship and bribe to central and local authorities, would be granted by way of corruption is not it?  So, let us repent and do not always hypocrisy in religion (ritual alone said. Gus Dur), but in behavior is always doing things contrary to their religious law and always run away from reality and take refuge in religion clause article that God is Forgiving, though as bad as anything including many echoed by people in my religion.) I said, no, and when discussions on the radio Mercuri Surabaya, I say definitely going to get to 150.000m3/second, it happens too. Similarly to the movements of the index stock index, the value of rupiah, inflation indicator, SBI and global levels as well as USD / JPY, USD / DM (Germany before the Euro) and USD / CHF, we are often instructed to move up or down depending on the strains that have occurred bioritmik fluctuations without having to use a variety of economic data and mathematical calculations are very complicated but not on target, while business people and economists do not just stare there was a disaster warning of economic crisis including the 2007-2008 economic recession by the subprime mortgages that we have predicted since 2003 at the inception of the Iraq war.

        Only God does not permit successful human use of this natural and supernatural forces of their own interests that generate money and power, because it raises "Power tend to corrupt, abuse of power, conflict of interest and insider trading" because it had already know the information from internal sources, while we of the universe created by God. Because we want to also do business and must not use the power of the order, then we are only allowed to wear way similar in the ocean surf is always choppy and dynamic fit system water or in air turbulence as aerodynamic system. Believe it or not, it has happened and do not pretend that it is negative and even occult mysticism. But just since the economic crisis of 1997-1998, has been many of us, including professionals and business people even go to a psychic, healer and use the genie to guide and predict the fate of himself and his business, not playing is not especially confident in their Lord in meeting the challenges of this harsh life.

Implications of Financial Tsunami (subprime mortgages) as trigger to the World Recession

By : Edmond F. La’lang

          A muse for the global business economy, including the stocks, forex and commodities market to not repeat the same mistake. Do not climb the mountain with high speculation and more greedy,but hike the hill with good and strong fundamental driven to prevent disaster from recurring economic crisis like multi dimensional crisis in Indonesia (1997-1998) and financial sub-prime mortgages in USA (2007) that have a big domino effect to global economy.

Domino Effect and Risk Management as Unprudential Mistakes

         Year 2007 is the yeat of world economic upheaval caused by the “subprime mortgages” in property sector from lower middle class in the USA that many countries have failed to pay property credit.  Futher spread to financial sector, particulary international investment banking assets that buy subprime mortgages as well to derived to degress. According to me that Multi Level Marketing business is similar to a tiered network and marketed worldwide, particulary in Europe, Japan and other countries. With this subprime borrowers default, it has caused great lossess in derivative giant about US$ 15.4 trillion that has been experiences by many institutions investment banking, securities, general banking, insurance, hedge fund, corporates and retail investors worldwide. This has bankrupted many property companies, especially Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as huge loses at Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Merryl Lynch, Goldman Sachs and many more US giant companies financial. Peak turbulence and turmoil is the subprime crisis occurred in July 2008 with collapse of Lehman Brothers Inc. Which assets approximately to USD 640 billion has experienced tremendous loss because misallocation managed of funds without good risk management and prudential banking, where in fact of the funds in the subprime mortgages and derivative until 10 levels. Lehman has forgotten the principle of “do not put your eggs in one basket” is very urgent in the management of high risk apetite business.

         Many observers abd economist have said that among Wall Street, including the CEO of Lehman Brothers was negligent, foolish and greedy of doing business without professional management. The effect of this subprime crisis began to spread to world stock market, including Dow Jones (Djia), which has reached its peak in April 2007 at 14.425 points and dragged the whole world stock markets with more than 50 % correction and certainly will continue to weaken toward the starting point of the resurrection Djia in 1992 which is at  its 4,250 point (early era of President Bill Clinton) can even reach the level of 2,000 – 4,000 if to the severe deflation and Obama was unable to provide a healthy economic recovery (if economist only perform a variety of conservative and linier think to the macro economic policy as well as the fate of main world stock indexes) but maybe fall again in “Double Dip Recession”. The panic in stock markets is also exarbating the loses of world financial sector about US$ 20.55 trillion.

          With catastrophic of the world stock market, especially in US and Europe in addition to large losses in any level of economic agents, retails investors, including retires put their funds in stock marlet. This loss will add to the increasing number of poor people with decline purchasing power also. And the effect is USA,Europe and Japan began sink to the problem of default debts that face in Greek.Iceland, Portugese and maybe to Spain, Italy, France and England if they don’t have a smart solution for their high debt. For problem solving, the EU have help with bail out with huge funds and from IMF and of course cut their budget for efficiency. This same condition that face by USA with much more huge debt on US$ 14.1 trillion debt and maybe want to more highly debt in a couple years to cover the deficit of their government budgeting and the Fed still give QE 2 to the financial market that means to create jobs and trigger to the economy recovery with lower interest rate. And QE 3 will be come after QE 2 ? This is difficult condition to do that without much more jobs to reduce high unemployment

Senin, 11 April 2011

Forex Weekly Predictions for Global Financial Market on June 13rd - June 17th 2011 Daily Predictions for Global Market on April 12nd 2011

By : Edmond F. La’lang

The market global looks like to more down trend after US economic indicators is not satisfied as a bad news for stocks market and Europe still in debts concern. It seems that will be corrections in this week continued in the past week that find the base for consolidation that maybe want to move up again for the next 2 weeks June 24rd – June 27th 2011. Also Africa situations, China inflation, Japan economic condition after earth quake and nuclear plant not yet being recovery. USD continued tend to be strong and the funds from stocks market goes to commodities market that will be raise their price. And with Econobusiness Biocycle Dynamic, it is a optimum Carrying Capacity on Market Saturated condition that must be healthy corrections. Don’t force to climb the mountain or fly high to the sky, because the Natural Law, like Gravity Power will push you more down, include to be catastrophic in Bubble Markets.

EUR/USD = 1.4150 – 1.4450; USD/JPY = 79.80 – 81.30; GBP/USD = 1.6100 – 1.6360; USD/CHF = 0.8375 – 0.8550; USD/CAD = 0.9750 – 0.9875; AUD/USD = 1.0470 – 1.0600; NZD/USD = 0.8100 – 0.8240 (consolidated to weak); EUR/JPY = 113.80 – 116.15; EUR/GBP = 0.8750 – 0.9000; EUR/CHF = 1.2025 – 1.2250 (consolidated); GBP/JPY = 129.50 - 131.50 (tend to weak).

Commodities still be stronger after stocks bearish last week of US economic concern and the funds goes to commodities market, also to anticipated of Lybian war and budget plan conditions of USA. So, commodities still becomes a safe haven for gold, silver and safe investing for all the others commodity on mining and so too for plantation/agriculture.
2.1. Mining :
GOLD (Comex) = 1,528.80 – 1,564 USD/troy oz (raise first to high and down again); SILVER (Comex) = 34.75 – 41.50 USD/troy oz; CRUDE OIL (Nymex) = 99.05 – 105.50 USD/BBL; NATURAL GAS (Nymex) = 4.37 – 4.75 USD/mmBTU;  NICKEL (LME) = 22,400–24,250; TIN (LME) = 26,480–27,225 USD/MT

2.2. Plantation (Agricultures) :
CRUDE PALM OIL (MDEX) = 3,250 – 3,450 Ringgit/BBL; RUBBER (MDEX) = 4.72 – 5.30 USD/Kg; CACAO (NYBOT) = 2,960 – 3,135 USD/Ton; CORN (CBOT) = 780.25 – 825.15 Cent/Bu; SUGAR (NYBOT) = 24.70 – 27.15 Cent/Lb; COTTON (NYMEX) = 151.20 – 162.50 USD/Ton.

Stocks market will be more down for the next 1 – 2 weeks on daily, weekly and monthly charts by no good for the macro indicator, consumer index, manufacturing output and unemployment data for USA. And so, I think the Fed will be continued the QE2 to QE3 because the economic recovery is still slowly to move up.
DOW JONES INDUS. AVG. (USA) = 11.350 – 11,955; S & P 500 (USA) = 1,235 – 1,280; NASDAQ (USA) = 2,175 – 2,230; RUSSEL 3000 (USA) = 735.47 - 759.50; FTSE 100 INDEX (ENGLAND) = 5,590 – 5.775; XETRA-DAX INDEX (GERMANY) =  6,920 – 7,115;  CAC 40 INDEX (FRANCE) = 3,725 – 3,820.

4. Funds :
Funds market is began to weak, especially to the emerging market by out flow of funds to commodities markets for a moment. But still continuously in the end of 2011 and 2012 until the QE of the Fed will be stop to stimulated the economic recovery in USA.
ASIAASSET = 0.8050 – 0.8670; BRASILLION =  0.8340 - 0.8750; COLUMBUS = 0.4900 – 0.5170; EASTERA = 1,0540 – 1,1054; INDIAMOND = 0.5870 – 0.6195;  NIPPON = 0.3680 – 0.3790; YANGTZE = 0.8625 – 0.8800.
            This is only suggestions, but the final decision is in your hand. Have a nice day for get high profit trading. Good luck and GBU.

-Join with me and invest at InstaForex,

- Will Want to Managed Your Forex, Commodities or Stocks Index Accounts ?
I really think about many peoples who involved in forex or commodities trading not get some profit but may much loose their funds in day trading or longterm trading. So, they may think makes my fund different from other companies to start trading for you. I only need “your brokerage company, name, login and password trading” without  investor password that you must keep secretly for your security account.  I only have fee of 30 % from net profit that I make for you without any other charges. You can send 30 % as Performance Fee by using Bank Wire Transfer. For do that when I manage your trading account you must not change my trades or open your own. This  business is trustee for you and me, you trust me for give you much more gain and I trust you to give my fee charge. I have a method that can make “High Return Low Risk” with my Econobusiness Biocyle Dynamic that really match and accurate on financial market fluctuations in stocks, forex, funds and commodities markets. This method is having a good prediction for midterm (weekly and monthly) and longterm (quarterly and yearly) investment. But for daily trading (not intraday trading) is only used 30 – 35 % of your fund account and take position for midterm as 40 -45 % and longterm as 20 – 30 % of your account fund. Each time I make net profit equal to 200 % of amount of money on your account. We can hold communication with each other either through e-mail, Skype (cari tahu) or phone. My e-mail is or , and call phone number Indonesia at Surabaya, East Jave is 085850050307.  Minimum account requirement is US$ 10,000 and maximum is US$ 500,000. Capital return is 150 – 175 % per quarter or 600 – 750 %/year with prudential and professional management. Contact me as soon as possible, thank for joining and trustee with me.
Best regard,
Edmond Ferdinand La’lang.

Kamis, 07 April 2011

*Comment to the Complaint Alan Greenspan (former Fed Governor)*

Comment by : Edmond F. La’lang

"We will never find a perfect  model for analyzing risk. We'll never be able to anticipate the discontinuity in the market finansil "

        In my opinion, this is not entirely true, because economists simply use economic theory that is linear with statistical data and econometric linear mathematical calculation (dimension 1) on macro-economic and monetary fields that are static. This is certainly economics will never know with accurate and precise prediction of psychological turmoil, panic, fear, selfishness, greed, ideals, values of hope, desire, needs and wants, mental attitude, vision and natural bioritmik on a block of space (XYZ) are dimensionless 2-4 that indeed can not be measured quantitatively by econometric

Besides, the "Invisible Hand" of the supernatural nature and natural to influence occurrence of an interaction between human, natural and supernatural nature is dynamic and always moving non-linear and fluctuating in every human activity, including economics and business. It's human nature to always want to progress, winning, developing (growth) and successfully demonstrated by the straight line graph (linear) and if it begins to decline and fluctuate then the man will use a variety of ways to straighten it to rise even higher. But there are limits of human ability to ride on a climbing session, where the mountain is also only have a certain altitude and could not possibly keep rising toward the sky. This fluctuation process, which if increased will be declared as a positive thing, profit, success and achievement, but if the decline will be declared as negative, loss, failure and breach of contract and familiarly known as the "risk".
          Though positive and negative, profit and loss, victory and defeat, achievement and in default is the color and essence of life itself that can not be eliminated, but can be avoided if we know well bioritmik strains of human activity in the world. According to the law of nature "The Law of Deminishing Return" that if we are rising high with steep slope angles and greater speed, so we too will face the risk of falling with a speed much faster (free fall) with more severe consequences than benefits we may from time to climb. Similar to the case of stock exchanges, commodity exchanges, derivatives and foreign exchange or the term "High Risk High Return." Strangely happy man just want to ride on, wins and succeeded on without ever wanted to know decline, defeat and failure that will always be regarded as "risk", so that the natural laws of gravity will pull forced down if you are already approaching its peak and is "human tower of Babylon ".
          Similarly, increase in growth (growth) business economics, stocks, commodities, forex, bonds, derivatives and bonds will be a natural fluctuation that is bioritmik human economic activity which, when forced against the direction of decreasing (self-reinforcing) will cause a catastroph Soros, such as wake collapse giant's subprime derivatives that are followed by the collapse of a building which was built by a man with a big fund, a long time and hard work, such as stock exchanges, commodity exchanges, foreign exchange and real sector in a shorter time, loss and victim more. Bioeconomic-natural with biorhythmic strains, we can accurately predict what year (2008) and how many months (it should be July-August 2008) the peak of the crisis that followed the U.S. recession. Discontinuity is actually the rhythm of biorhythmic fluctuations in up and down that if not maintained properly will cause turmoil and catastroph, so there is discontinuity (unlinierity) of economic growth and rising stock prices.
          By knowing the economic bioritmik precisely and correctly, then we can avoid the risk of systemic and individual from building a giant man-made, so that we can avoid the loss, defeat, failure and disaster of systemic risk. Then we can create a condition of "Free Risk Natural" and not free financial risk which was often fail in reducing and preventing the emergence of a risk. What is often done is to give a commitment to provide a Fix Income, Fixed Income Mutual Funds, Mutual Fund Capital Protected, the yield of derivative, but not infrequent occurrence of risk within a specific period, known  as "the business economic cycle". Actually building air-derivative level is fine, but think it should create a solid foundation (the object of strong derivatives) with architectural and civil construction quality for the building can be lasting, strong, withstand earthquakes and strong storms, like the case of subprime mortgages that very fragile foundation. Not to mention the junk bonds, subprime financial engineering is wrapped in a variety of exotic derivative products to remove the actual risk can not be eliminated, where there  are significant difference between free risk based on mathematic formulas with “natural free risk” based on natural law. So we included Alan Greenspan not to be confused and frustrated about this

Alan Greenspan said: "We'll never find the perfect model of analysis to anticipate the risks and the inability to anticipated of financial discontinuity in the market."
          In my view, learn from the system, dynamics and evolution of nature (life environment) system as the most sophisticated libraries and scientific laboratories which had been prepared of God to be managed and utilized in a wise man and the optimal order not to destroy "his own house." According to information from Dahlan Iskan (Java Post Newspaper, October 2008) that because the science of mathematics, abacus and geometric, just a science of linear dimension 1 (one) who are unable to learn, master and control the influence of natural and supernatural forces of every aspect of life), then derivatives markets become increasingly sophisticated and complex. In my opinion, financial business is create a network (web) and tiered artificial complex that actually make their own trapped in the complex network without being able to escape when the tsunami subprime explosion. Which of mine  with the method of  Bioeconomic-natural already know exactly broken down amount to Rp. 7,500 – Rp. 10,000  and  the collapse of banks in Indonesia by the Monetary Crisis (1997); downtrend prediction of index rose from 1997 to 2003; depreciation of the rupiah to Rp. 11,750 by the influence of fuel, will the U.S. recession in 2007-2008 (my prediction since 2003)  analysist based on Forex and Dow Jones montly fluctuations graphic that US economic will be fall in light to medium recession whatever the reason for the cause and its true happen that make by "tsunami financial on subprime mortgages crisis".
           With the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the depreciation amount penetrate USD. 10.000,-, an increase in the fuel that drives the SBI to 10.0%, economic growth 2008 is 5.7 to 6.0%, a decrease FFRT (the FED) to 1.0 to 1.5%, the U.S. and global deflation threat by contraction rate towards zero rate cut by the Fed. In my opinion, recession and deflation, the U.S. and the world will be a long time to recover and lasted until 2012 - 2015, where world welfare decreased again in the 1960s Great Depression with the potential to return to the era of the 1930s. 

Some of the fundamental error of financial (derivatives)  market, namely:
1) the foundation of the sub-sectoral in lower middle-class property which should  
    be secondary to the above,
2) the accuracy of the data is invalid;
3) risk management calculations inaccurate,
4) manufacture of building a network without the risk of architectural buildings
    earthquake-resistant skyscrapers;
5) prediction rates low and not an "early warning system" that works effectively
    and quickly in a computerized system,
6) calculation of the macro and micro economic and financial and accounting such   
    as NPV (Net Price Value) and NFV (Net Future Value), derivative formulas,  time  
    calculations on time series sequencies that is linear, so there is  flexible  (elastic)
    and effective in conducting assessment and prediction.

           This is what causes the condition of bubble that continues to encourage people with a nature full of greed and passion to do the "leveraging" a manipulative act without the "underlying the real asset and the real value fundamentals" appropriate and reasonable.

Rabu, 06 April 2011

* Modern Socialism in a Modern Society *

By : Edmond F. La’lang (economic and environment observer)

          Understanding is based on the ideology of socialism based on a sense of national spirit and togetherness.  The system of socialism was more relying on social justice  that  depends  on
achieved by a person in democratic system (similar to a democrat socialism developed by Syahrir that may be somewhat left-leaning and are similar to those developed in Eastern European countries before the fall of the Soviet Union). The management of economic, social and political more developed, constructed, supervised and directed by the state in which every person is entitled to enjoy freely welfare, but arranged in a party mechanism. It turns out that enjoy state facilities, generally is a member of ruling party (Communist, the other party should not be there and not democratic) and the bureaucracy and military officials from the central state to the region.
        Modern Socialism is an ideology that aims to foster, develop and giving welfare in  an democratic society. Every person has the right to enjoy their welfare equally (not equally clever or stupid to get treatment, the same appreciation and income) according to the contributions and achievements in all areas of life. Socialist society will form an economic life of mutual support and filling without having to take on and off the competitors are to be fair, because the benefits on capital, technology and management skills. Therefore, this system will encourage the private sector to play a role in the economic, political and social state is only as facilitators, regulators, supervisors and supporters for all activities of its citizens. Every entrepreneur should be able to develop subordinates, others (employers' group) and the poor to be empowered. For example, if someone have been successful in business will be build a small number of people disadvantaged in capital, education, business skills and technological expertise by providing capital, mentoring and developing an appropriate business skills and business entities (small industries, services and trade) in order to obtain optimal benefits maybe, but not the maximization of profit as in the mindset of the capitalistic economy will always fight hard to gain big profits with minimum sacrifice. Capitalistic economy is survival of fittest (who is strong that he won) and the agent of development (it works to build a massive and expansive business around the world in the form of multinational companies with the acquisition of various business entities throughout the world by
establishing a global corporation that aften caused many small companies and retail business close due to compete being dispcaed by global corporation with strong in capital, technology, skill and management. And the capitalism and liberalization often make peoples more egoism, more greedy and more enthusiastic to get wealthy and wants to be richman in the world without care to another poor peoples.
        Meanwhile modern socialist economic system is environmentally friendly, the optimal profit not to kill their competitors, the struggle for life (the struggle of living in a dense forest where all species of plants and animals can live in peace, cool and harmonious to form a network of energy or bio-trophic levels of sustainable and lush / rich without damaging the ecosystem structure of the natural environment and social) and manageable economic entity that is all business must understand the concept of peaceful coexistence without having to scramble like a wild animal that frequently occur in an area of hot desert, arid, poor nutrients and plants to establish a peaceful forest, cool and prosperous. This system will make the business entity will know yourself and want to hold back for expansion, not cannibalism, not engage in corruption, collusion and nepotism that often give a bribe and tribute to win unfairly and to know when the occurrence of an economic growth heats up (overheating) and foaming (bubbles) to halt immediately the activities of business and take a rest for consolidation without having to do a price war, a war strategy, battle pirates hijack CEO and employees. in  economic manageable culture. Thus there will be an economic dynamics to a peaceful, cool and harmonious.
          Furthermore, if small businesses had been successful (up liner), then he will recruit others to be developed around 3-5 people (down liner), so, so similar to the marketing model of Multi Level Marketing (MLM) but without having to obtain a fee for their services recruit others, and even if there may only get a fee of about 1-2% of their net profits without having to return the capital assistance. Thus, the up liner would not have to expect a payback on capital and coaching he has done (-spirited and generous social), as well as I do not expect a fee of up liner that I have previously recruited. So forth, it will form a large network, large and prosperous. I and up liner would try to down liner can be successful in business. Selection of liner down without corruption, favoritism race, religion, ethnicity and class, but the judge of good and tough mental attitude, social minded, having the capabilities and business skills, visionary and not selfish and greedy to get rich with a variety of ways Corruption, Collusion, Nepotism. This system is similar to the flow of water in a watershed system than upstream (up liner) leading to the downstream (down liner) in the network belt area which forms a community of prosperous, modern socialism system (somewhat similar to the Scandinavian Socialist ) and the spirited religious or similar system that is Blue Ocean Strategy ocean where the sea without any red-blooded due to tough competition and did not constitute a condition of the sea that is "Tropical thermocline layer" within the meaning of the existence of a layer of hot temperatures that inhibit the rise in rich materials nutrients from below to create a richer menajdi waters, this is similar to global and national economic conditions are a group of countries / individuals rich get richer and the group of countries / individuals poor getting poorer.
         Also, globalization is not to be seen from the perception is negative, because God has created this world in a global and interconnected with the harmony through the migration of people over centuries ago, the migration of pelagic fish from the poles to the subtropics and subtropics to the equator, the flight of migratory birds in subtropical continent pergatian season, migratory marine fish cooked eggs chilled from the time (maturity) towards the sea is to spawn (Spawning) and their children will struggle in the long journey towards enlargement in the cold sea to be adults again in the course of thousands of miles as one aspect of bio- cyclenya-life. If animals are birds, fish, plant spores, the movement of wind and water, it can naturally globalization, then that strange if people who have been given a smart brain and conscience even afraid to be globalized, great and happy to be champion and would not migrate much less do business around the world origin by way of a good and clean. In fact, in my opinion, people no longer have to berglobalisasi, but it must galaxisation with a system of "Galaxinet" and no longer surf the brain using sophisticated and certainly more intelligent than just an ordinary computer and robot. This in certainly been done by developed countries to explore outer space Milky Way and the Kingdom of the Universe (galaxies) to know the secrets of the universe created by God. Actually humans just yet sophisticated in knowing the secrets of the earth, but instead maah destroying our environment to exploit natural resources excessively without any sense of responsibility towards the preservation of the earth by causing Global Warming, the earth's water level rise, floods, increasingly under the earth bergolaknya in the form of earthquakes and volcanic eruption, storm winds, hurricane hot and cold temperature, aids epidemic, bird flu and swine flu, and others.
        So, “heal the world” (song by Michael Jackson) and “don’t kill the world” (song by Boney M.  And this is the essence of some of the Bio-Economic methods that I developed since 1993-1994. If the system has formed various watershed area, then they will form a modern society is prosperous and equitable environment-friendly based on belief in one supreme God according to the doctrine of Pancasila and if in any other country in accordance with the principles of their own country. This is a concept idea to establish a “NEW WORLD ORDER” is somewhat similar to the idea of George Soros “Open Society” to establish systems in various countries, including Indonesia. But somewhat different from the model of President Obama to form a new world order, especially in the fields of politics and economics of regulated and controlled by the state that actually leads to a system of socialism left Eastern Europe, as in the case. US economic fiscal and monetary policy make some program for bail out, stimuli, Quantitative Easing, more printing money, very low  interest rate but with hopeless for banking access, Health Care Act (Medicare and Medicaid) and the new taxation system, and there were many loud criticism from some communities in the United States itself and the world. Because this program have much more debt and deficit that make US debt being more higher and danger for deeply debt trap and default threat with more than US GDP in 4 – 7 years. And also in mentality make US peoples in generally began to uncreative, very frustration in searching jobs on highly unemployment rate, more defeat with foreign business and products, more lazy and depending on Government Aid.