Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Instrospections and Lessons in Business Habits for the best in the Future and Globalization Challenge

By : Edmond F. La’lang

Time for the businessman in Indonesia look in the mirror of this problem. Businesses need to build a new habitus in this new year. Habitus that build character and civilization that respects the process for the processes to go through in their business. In this world nothing is almost instantaneous. Today is built, finished tomorrow. That's nonsense. In the process, may have to go through ups and downs, went bankrupt and got up again, the financial crisis (deficit) and surplus-2 and other processes. All processes in building a business empire must go through step by step (step by step). Inside appreciate that process, the business also must construct a new habitus in the form of upholding the integrity of (the value of honesty-2).

          In my view, is the culture of instant, did not want to work hard and want to win themselves and do not want to compete (monopolist) has become a business culture for decades that only produce conglomeration spoiled but low competitiveness in the global market. Build a sound business and prospective business grow in a healthy and natural. If in Western countries over how to bubble with markup pricing and financial engineering, then here a lot through corruption, collusion, flirting with officials, the cartel for the opponent can not live and compete in a comfortable, and loans with assets bulging. Both are spoiled system, if in the West through the free market, here via the CCN mania, so they do not grow healthy, though physically grow a giant, but a process, mechanism and durability are not robust in the face shocks and crises to be faced. Both resemble towering balloon ride, but if the flat will quickly fall crashing down.

We must begin to foster the pride of having a healthy small business, legal and not bad (with integrity) is far more noble than a giant-scale business but completely unethical, damaging the environment, and culture laden with bribe, bribery and intrigue .. The fall of Lehman Brothers business giants that have been aged 158 years, proving the premise that big and look healthy, not necessarily having a solid foundation, Lehman proved unable to help themselves and bankrupt.

          Indonesian corporate greatness that is supported by the above conditions will not likely be large and able to compete well if its expansion came out. Medium to large corporations Lehman kind globally, but not able to retain health portfolio management with a variety of diderivatif in stages, without a systemic risk management assessment that is reliable, this is because the CEO and the management was satisfied with the risk of junk bonds, such as wrapping subprime mortgages with various levels of derivatives to reduce risk, but just adds to the risk syatemic. Bubble turnover and assets to get a salary and bonus are beyond reason by the greedy and selfish mentality that makes giants like Lehman collapsed WTC towers or giant ship Titanic. It's often a big corporation will be more sluggish, less anticipated economic change and the arrival of turbulence and high bureaucracy
hierarchy so that any process to be slow to get to know and identify the hazard risk with a rapid reaction in the desicion making, increasingly heavy administrative burden with the demands of salary and bonus CEO, management and employees that the higher each year without a good performance, reliable, high productivity and high profitability and competitiveness.

Lessons from the crisis of 1998 and then, at least provides a new understanding, a big is not necessarily healthy (due to be glutted culture of corruption), but small and clean it can survive. Many large corporations collapsed, although they protected many countries, while the perpetrators of the SME (small micro) actually chewy and tough to just go bankrupt (liquidated). That said, domestic economy was then rescued by the "savior" named SMEs was therefore to build a new habitus of doing business in the midst of a recession is now finding its momentum back.

          In my opinion, very well, this is due precisely to the size of businesses that do not scale economically even more shock-resistant, due to rapid in the strategy in and out in the market and specific product, compared to the scale economies of large corporations, not to mention the various facilities, incentives and enjoyed by large corporate intrigue, but often collapsed face of economic turmoil, including the current recession. Business people should remain confident in entering 2009. Stay optimistic indeed, but with a vision that is not excessive and is ready to replace the market share left bankrupt by large corporations, capable of creative and innovative and agile look for niche markets (niche market).

Build a business with ethics and norms are correct, surely a company that is built will remain robust amid a fierce storm once. Company-2 of this kind will continue to exist amid a severe onslaught of the tsunami wave, because it was built on the intrinsic value-2 are not easily defeated by the value of-2 world filled with intrigue, elbows here and there, bribe both sides, and loaded CCN. Congratulations to sail into the vast ocean who named 2009.

           I just hope to be careful with giant waves and the ocean high in the malignant (for small fishermen with small engines and may only play in the exclusive economic zone only) by the turmoil of recession and deflation from 2009 to 2015. Open your eyes, ears and hearts to see, hear and intuitive to examine and sort out the news and data from the Meteorology and Geophysics of business and economics so that when sailing is not hampered by high waves from the crisis, recession and deflation with a sniper strategy, smart and visionary. Remember, we do not be greedy, brewed and careless play in the ocean amid the turmoil of globalization which is facing a storm like Katrina and Dennis or Japanese earthquake and tsunami in March 2011.

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Will Want to Managed Your Forex, Commodities or Stocks Index Accounts ?

By : Edmond F. La'lang

I really think about many peoples who involved in forex or commodities trading not get some profit but may much loose their funds in day trading or longterm trading. So, they may think makes my fund different from other companies to start trading for you. I only need “your brokerage company, name, login and password trading” without  investor password that you must keep secretly for your security account.  I only have fee of 30 % from "net profit" that I make for you without any other charges. You can send 30 % as Performance Fee by using Bank Wire Transfer. For do that when I manage your trading account you must not change my trades or open your own. This  business is trustee for you and me, you trust me for give you much more gain and I trust you to give my fee charge.  I have a method that can make “High Return Low Risk” with my Econobusiness Biocyle Dynamic that really match and accurate on financial market fluctuations in stocks, forex, funds and commodities markets. This method is having a good prediction for midterm (weekly and monthly) and longterm (quarterly and yearly) investment. But for daily trading (not intraday trading) is only used 10 – 15 % of your fund account and take position for midterm as 50 - 55 % and longterm as 30 – 40 % of your account fund. Each time I make net profit equal to 200 % of amount of money on your account. We can hold communication with each other either through e-mail, Skype or phone. My e-mail is edmond.lalang@gmail.com, smartrend76@gmail.com edmondferdinandlalang@yahoo.com and call phone number Indonesia at Surabaya, East Jave is 085850050307.  Minimum account requirement is US$ 5,000 and maximum is US$ 500,000. Capital return is 50 – 75 % per quarter or 200 – 300 %/year with prudential and professional investing management. You can visit my blog, http://bioeconomic-natural.blogspot.com and http://smartrend-forecast.blogspot.com to know much on my Econobusiness Biocycle Dynamic that having good forecast fluctuation for how to be surfing without fall on stocks, forex and commodities market in midterm and longterm investment. Contact me as soon as possible, thank you for joining and trustee with me.

Best regard, 

Edmond Ferdinand La’lang.

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Monthly Predictions for Global Financial Market on July - December 2011 to analyst the impact of th Fed have stopped QE Program for Economic Recovery Solution

By : Edmond F. La’lang

After the Fed is not give a signal for continued the QE2 to QE3 that to calm the import inflation in US like gasoline and food price even the macro economic indicator is no good for property price, unemployment tend to high in 9,1 % (maybe to 9.5 % or average on 9.25 %/year), business and consument sentiment tend to lower and overall manufacture is still slow to be more weaken. So that if the Fed in August still not give QE3 program that Ben Bernanke think deflation threat is no evident, but I forecast exactly US economic will gradually tend to enter the deflation. Influent of QE in shortterm have a good job to fight deflation by booster of commodities and food price that make US economy have high external inflation. This natural power that make a season system, where after summer season in bubble and overheating economy in initial 2004 – Q1 2007 and began enter the fall season in Q2 2007 – Q1 2009 with turbulencies by financial tsunami on bankers, securities, insurances and many real corporates and enter the winter season in mid 2009-2012/2013. The effect of low rate on carry trade to booster the financial markets like stocks index, commodities, economic growth and inflation impact is not to strong and significant but just only 35 - 50 % without money of QE. So the Fed don’t fight the Natural Law like the market motto don’t fight the Fed to rebound that fall season to be spring season on stimuli, QE, low rate, printing money and the Treasury want and want to eat the big debts. Don’t because tha nature can force you to be more deeply winter season that make more coolest condition in economic to be deeply Deflation condition, more you make artificial act,, the nature more force you down for long long Deflation period and more worse and long than Japan Deflation.
          So, my “Monthly Prediction” for US growth is being to weak at 2,70 % in 2011, US$ be strong pair with EUR to low at 1.3850 on end of August-first October and if no more QE3, the US$ still still be strong to 1.3500 and began to rebound 1.4850. And the other pairs (GBP/USD, AUD/USD, NZD/USD, EUR/CHF, EUR/GBP, EUR/-JPY) will be follow the pattern time and fluctuation graphic, except for USD/CHF, USD/CAD, USD/JPY that make a reverse pattern. And for gold after the QE fuel for high speculation is stop can be more weaken to the 1,400/troy oz and the strong support at 1,325/troy oz to be rebound at 1,375-1,400. George Soros have a good forecaster for that he sold his gold before and maybe buy again at 1,325-1,350. Also for oil is tend to weak, even war in Libya and the turmoil in Middle East will be continued, oil can goes to cover the gap at 84.0-86.0 and rebound again. Stocks market, especially for Dow Jones will be down to 11,625 on end of July-August and more down to 9,775-9,850 in October-November and began in December-January effect to be rebound again to 10,000-10,500. And
For investor and manufacturing corporate can arrange and managed this biocycle as a cycle or wave to be anticipated to avoid the risk and make you down to have many problems by turbulencies in the market if you don’t match this vision as a early warning system on Preventive Ways Life. And for trader follow the trend like you go surfing in nearish trend and you don’t fail and fall in big losses. Have a monthly life trading and investing to all of you guys. This is a sound of natural and supernatural music that must be aware of you and you can be a dirigent in your investing protofolio, in your team work of manufacture and service management professional system and traders will be a nice guys to do not make much turbulencies in crowded market to be chaostic behavior. Natural Law, like Gravity Power will push you more down, include to be catastrophic in Bubble Markets. I am a natural healthy life for everything with my method on Econobusiness Biocylce Dynamic for Preventive Ways but not the Medical Doctor for Cure or Economic and Financial Consultant to give you Problem Solving or Trouble Shooting that make you having big losses in money, time and work hard for long years success/profit but falling down just for shorttime big losses. And you must be reconstruction, recovery and refind the fund for debts and restructuring for your business again, its only waste your time and money anymore.  Visit my blog, http://bioeconomic-natural.blogspot.com  to find the good vision and solutions in Economic Manageable System that based on Natural Law and Power System.

So, you can know my based experiences to make my Econobusiness Biocycle Dynamic method on various knowledge on Natural Driven with Bio-economic and Bio-natural scope as to see this below :

*Bio-economic  Forecast  on  Quarterly  and Yearly Time Series based on Natural Driven*
By : Edmond F. La’lang (economic and environment observer)

Holistic approach driven to get the analyzed with some knowledge approach for how to synergism and synchronized to drawing the painting of the next curve will be happened in stocks, forex, commodities and real markets :

a.  Bio-economic and Bio-natural Driven (Economic Bio-ritmic and Bio-cycle)
          This method is to use biological means to know the performance of all systems including the economic field, where all economic actors are also creatures in the biological behavior is strongly influenced by biological and psychological nature. So will there was a dynamic and biological cycles and psikolgis the interplay within a national economy and global communities that make up a rhythm that can be monitored through the strains of the movement graph. Likewise we can study the behavior of subtropical birds moving north to south or vice versa in the change of seasons, or the movement of tuna by the influence of wind and water currents from the tropical to sub tropical or vice versa (Oyashiwa and Kuroshiwa) in the movement of the season and Jet Stream in the region equator and economic conditions based on the change of season 4 in the sub-tropics. Also Paul Ormerod wear behavior of the butterfly (Butterfly Economy) and ant to know the trend of economic conditions, and Newt Gingrich (U.S. senator) who use the system behavior simpanze to know the different behavior of political opponents to excel in politics. I used some biological method like Optimum Carrying Capacity, the Law of Deminishing Return, Environment Saturated Condition, Zigmoid Growth, Accelerators and Inhibitors Growth, Economic and Human Body Biology,  Action Plan to aviod Disease, Risk and Problem with Preventive Ways as Early warning System, Bio-economic natural Life Cycle, etc.

b. Psychological Driven (Global Mass Psychology, Expectation and Activities )
        Human is a biological creature that the which have psychologic aspects not be Able to measure and quantified by a mathematic economy parameters, Because its have a 2-3 formulas mathematic dimensions and meanwhile have only one dimension. Psychologic conditions like expectations, aspiration, dream, excite, wants, emotions (upset, angry, sad, etc), greed, confused, panic, afraid  and the other various psychological aspects. This bio-economic will of personal and mass combined various national and global psychologic that will from seeing and reading by various ways of communications, gestures and words of businessman, Government Officials for comments of economic growth conditions, financial index, consumer price index and the form of graphics Global stocks, forex, commodities, obligations, bonds and many others. This combined of the above by instinct and intuitive ways, We can go globally to know-how what the will of some mass psychologic trustee or not toward the business performance of sectoral and general economic growth. And we can know be better, what will from some happens in the future, so that we able to avoid various problems in market risk, business risk, macro economic risk cans make the which turbulencies, crises and recessions That make a person, corporate and country will from some loss, failure and bankruptcy. Or according to George Soros, I will from walking in the front of the curve, That he will from a first take some positions for 6 months before without having a panic, sweats and big bath in the turbulencies, losses, crisis and recession is coming. The failure of government to handle this mass psychologic will from some potential to make a turbulencies and systemic effects like the tsunami or earth quake. So, why we do not have a early warning system and preventive ways to have a good and smooth conditions

c. Mozaik Topographyc Driven (Earth Mapping with Photograph and Water from Satellite Remote Sensing and Geo Positioning System / GPS).
         An a geographic and mapping expert that use to streoskopic device with three dimension can see and know-contour ritmic of various height and place of a photograph on a map area or region. A geography and mapping using the tool streoskopis with 3-dimensional image can know the shape contour and rhythm of various heights from an aerial photograph of an area with a certain height and type of land use, such as settlements, rice fields, fields, ponds and forests. Who's sending a remote expert (remote sensing) to interpret a variety of images from the satellite image degradation and color mosaic to delineated which can read all the diversity of land use, condition hidroorologis and various mineral mineral content of a region With this expertise we can also see mosaic and strains the movement of various market indices well to predict the dynamics and movement of the rate of economic growth and business correctly and accurately so that we avoid the various risks of harm. Similarly, physicist (physics of Fessant economically and Tannous) can see the movement of business index stocks, forex, commodities, macroeconomic data to model seismic systems, electric cathode diode model, etc..
         To know the direction of the trend of a graph of the rise and fall of a time series graph, so that when the momentum of rise or fall within a certain time. Similarly, George Soros can find various movements all business index method Reflections (condition exciting, self-reinforcing and catastrophic). GPS can be used to determine the existence of the position of a person or object on this earth. GPS systems also can be used basically to see how far psychological load, volume and size of transactions on a real market and finansil and direction of movement of the flow of funds / capital market of a region (country) to country with computerized systems that connect with satellites, such as satellites to monitor the movement of air flow / wind, rain, weather forecast, the movement of birds, fish, spores, virus diseases and even the human mind into all parts of the world to predict trends, action, result, potential fluctuations (turbulence) and the crisis with the method of early warning system are coordinated and systematic. So, we can know and read with appropriate mass psychological condition, the direction of the global mass movement and the desire to map its business plan.

d.  Mechanical  and  Rockets  System  Driven
          With mechanical science, we can know the moving of lintasan an bullet or rocket, where also like movement of global index in the market of stocks, forex, commodities, obligations, bonds, and the others that can be analyzed by mechanical and rocket systems. There are some of Japan expert in economy and market that have implemented rocket performance system to predicting various index in global market. An bullet and rocket if to fire with elevation sekitar 30 degree, so that will be fall more distance than more 30 degree and if to 90 degree will be fall not far from its fire or launched.
           This is because the force of gravity will pull it back down before it reaches beyond the Earth's atmosphere, in the sense that if we want to ride fast with steep slopes, such as rock climbing mountain, then if the less powerful will cause us to fall quickly (free fall), exhausted and more severe consequences from a higher place than just fall from low altitude. With the shape the movement of the graph, then we can draw an imaginary line (as in space science and goniometrik / goniometry) to find out how long the form of graphs an index must be corrected or rapid collapse (catastroph) or the form of hang-cliff that if the mass of the moist soil , No binding tree, then the mass of soil from steep slopes will be prone to landslides (landslides) that can be fatal to the existing building and the people beneath him and hangs over the theory of economic growth means economic stagnation occur.  For good combination that likely support by Fundamental Macro Economy and Technical Graphic Analysist on Time Series Graphs.
(visit my blog, http://bioeconomic-natural.blogspot.com)
And I invite you to join with me which makes you get big profit with www.instaforex.com and www.marketiva.com and etc.